"I love to laugh, eat good food, take care of my family, and spend lots of time outdoors."
Welcome to Healthy Home Principles
Do you find that in this high tech and over processed world that your life is hectic and out of balance? Over the years I have found that most of the time it’s basics that have kept my home happy and healthy.
My hope through Healthy Home Principles is to encourage others in the principles of a healthy home: healthy eating, in the kitchen, housekeeping, marriage and child rearing. In the Bible, Proverbs 31:27 says, “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” I love that verse. It reminds me that I am to keep a watch over what goes on in my home and to be proactive as I care for my family. You know, there is something calming and peaceful about the simpler ways of life, so let’s get back to those basic principles and create a healthy home.
Tracy O.
Hi, I’m Tracy O. I love to laugh, eat good food, take care of my family and spend lots of time out doors.
I am professional baker, recipe creator, instructor/teacher, health coach, master gardener and professional seamstress. When baking/cooking, I am always aiming to make it as healthy and natural as possible; you know, the way God designed. And by the way, it is possible to make chocolate cake healthy!
I have an awesome husband and we have two wonderful children and four grandchildren. Homeschooling was my life for over 18 amazing years. Now, I teach classes relating to nutrition, family and the home.
In 2005 we moved from the mid-south to the gulf coast where we lost practically everything in hurricane Katrina. To boot, we had only been in our home for nine months when she hit. A FEMA trailer was our temporary residence for two and a half years, sharing the meager space with two full grown labs. The “coziness” brought us closer together as a family. I praise the LORD for taking care of us through that journey, but more importantly all that I learned during that trying time. God is always good!
As I look back over my life, I am so thankful to the LORD for His love and faithfulness. I’m excited about what’s ahead. May I encourage you to appreciate and savor everyday, because time goes by so quickly that you just might miss something wonderful.

An inspired journey
I am constantly searching for ways to better my health, my family and my home. I have found that the basics are a great place to start. My goal through Healthy Home Principles is to share what I have learned and hopefully inspire you to come along with me on this journey to make our homes more peaceful and healthier in every way.
To get started on this journey, check out the links below:
My best thinking is done at the beach!
Everyone needs a moment to relax and regroup. Reclining on the beach, wiggling my toes in the sand, just listening to the soft swish of the water is one of my favorite spots for such a thing.
What about you?
I encourage you, take some time to maybe do, well, nothing. Set aside the weight of things for a few minutes of, well, nothing. I promise you will feel energized to do the next thing.
The information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. The information on this site is based on facts, research, and personal experiences, but not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease. The nutritional and other information on this website are not intended to be and do not constitute health care or medical advice. You should not rely upon, follow the programs, techniques, use any of the products and services made available by or through this website for decision making without consulting your physician or other health care professional. The author shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages including, but not limited to incidental, special, consequential or any other damages.
“Healthy Home Principles, Tracy O. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates, Shopify, NutriMill.com, BoschMixers.com programs, and other affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for this site to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, shopify.com, NutriMill.com and boschmixers.com and other affiliate links.” By no means is there additional cost to you or personal data collection if you click on the links and make a purchase.